You need to know your subject matter, this is IMPERATIVE

It is difficult at best to effectively discuss subjects that you are marginally knowledgeable of.

In order to write a song ascribing the worth that is due God, we must first find out what He is worth.  In order to even attempt to describe God, we must know Him more and more.

Write about what you know.  If your songs are not meaningful to you, they won't be meaningful to other people, and the lack of enthusiasm will show through.

Write primarily as an expression of your feelings, and who knows better about what you're feeling than you?

You need a heart that is full of the Glory of God

From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Word of God in . . . Word of God out. 

Strive to expand your worship vocabulary.  Yes, "Praise the Lord!" is a wonderful expression, but God is so much bigger than that.

If you're going to write about things spiritual, the most important thing is to keep your spiritual life going.  Your writing becomes dry when your spiritual life is dry.

You need to be vulnerable

To be a good writer, you must remain vulnerable in your writing.  If you hide, then the song hides.  There is no safe haven for songwriters.

If you choose to play it safe and not lay it on the line, your songs will be cliché-ridden, shallow and boring.

You need to practice & you need to be persistent

Yes, sometimes the words and melody simply flow, this is the zone.  (Christian songwriters know that this is the Holy Spirit.)  But most of the time songwriting is hard work.

The writing craft is where we can discover more about songwriting and share thoughts on what we know. It requires work, practice, mentors, study, diligence, and commitment. 

We should give ourselves to the development of our writing skills.  (Psalm 33:3)

Practice, sing and write constantly. Write something every day, even if you come up with something that sounds stupid.  You can revise it and make it something good later. 
Whatever musical impulse lies within will come out.

"Learn your axe, and then just blow", is how Charlie Parker once said it.

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S o n g w r i t e r
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