Was it a prompting from the Holy Spirit?
Pray for further direction.
Seek Him to help you finish it.

Do you just have a melody?
Sing Scripture to it  if you have a favorite, try it (e.g., "Psalm 119" on Lyrics Page).
Sing your testimony to it.
Sing a prayer to God to it. (e.g., In the Quiet).

Is it just a thought?
Brainstorm  write down every thought that comes to mind corresponding to it, and dont ever throw anything away.
Write down your ideas and lyrics, and always record a rough draft of your songs.
Is the theme universal, or is it so personal that it could only mean something to you?

Do you have a great chord progression?
If you have access to a piano, voice the chords with left hand and just improvise with right.

Is "evangelist" part of your gift mix?
Evangel: bearer of the Good News

Or . . . do you just want to get rich?
If so, theres a strong chance youre going to be terribly frustrated. We have little control over how others receive what we create. And if you try to change to fit what you think they want, you will never be happy with it, and they will never be happy with you.
Calvin Coolidge said, "Nothing is more common than the unsuccessful person with talent". 
I'm sure there are a multitude of very talented people who never make it.

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