" t h e   e n d   o f   d a y s "
(c) 1999 William Clark
WorldSource Publishing

For one final and brief moment, all of Heaven and Earth fall eerily silent.

Then suddenly . . . at the sound of Gabriel's trumpet . . .

The eastern sky is torn open with a violent and deafening roar.
See!  The Son of Man is coming! The Lord of Hosts, the Great Man of War.

Michael and his army of warrior angels, is loosed upon the world
to exact the vengeance of God against the beast, the dragon and the whore.

The Immortal, Invincible, Conquering King is come to establish His unending reign.
The song of the angels, the shouts of the redeemed, the fanfare of trumpets, all announce "He is King!"

All of creation bows before Him in humble adoration,
as He takes His place upon the throne as the Lord of every nation.

Heaven's Bright Son is now shining like the sun of seven days.
Heaven's High King is now reigning. His kingdom's banner is raised.

Streams are flowing on every high mountain.  The great light of His glory outshines the sun.
All of nature is singing great songs of praise.  And now, here on earth, His will be done!


Your presence is the raging fire and billowing smoke coming forth from the Great Mountain.
The exploding thunder is the sound of Your voice.  The fierce lightening is the flash of Your eyes.

As You gather up the Heavens and shake them, and as you snatch up the Earth and it trembles,
the mountains are torn from their foundations.  Yet I stand secure upon The Rock which is not moved.

The oceans are thrown from from the place where they dwell.
Yet my feet remain firmly planted in You.

The sky has collapsed upon the face of the Earth.
Yet I lift my eyes up to You.

The stars are hurled down from the heavens.
Yet I lift my hands up to You.

The valleys are heaved up into the sky.
Yet upon me, Your peace falls like rain.

The trees are stripped bare of their glorious raiment.
Yet You clothe me in robes of righteousness.

The mountains and forests are leveled.
And You, my God, are lifted high above the Earth!


Those who have said "there is no god",
are now horrified at Your appearing.

Their laughter is turned to weeping,
and their dancing to staggering.

Those who have done evil in the sight of the Lord
receive destruction as their just reward.

All of the trouble they have caused is now heaped upon them,
and deep beneath it, they are buried alive.

Your judgements fall like millstones
upon those who have mocked You,
and they are dashed to pieces.

You have crushed them under Your mighty fist,
and with a wave of Your hand,
they are hurled into the abyss.

Your wrath is poured out upon them
like a cauldron of boiling oil.

And with the strength of ten wild Aurochs
You have plowed them into the ground.


But my hope is in You!
The Everlasting and Most High God.
Therefore, I will not be dismayed.

For Your Name is Love to those who love You.
Your Name is Hope to those who have none.
Your Name is Peace to those who are troubled.
Your Name is Healing to those who are hurting.
Your Name is Freedom to those who are held captive.

And Your Name is Life for us to celebrate!

For eternity times forever.

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