". . . to praise and to worship Jesus Christ
in such a way that restoration and healing would be released among His people . . ."
song lyrics, chord charts,
stories behind the songs
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testimonies about the CD
Praise & Worship

Your Worship = Your View of God
I had completely forgotten about the prophecy.

The word of the Lord had come a year prior to recording "Restoration".  I was in Ghana, West Africa with the worship ministry of New Life Christian Fellowship in Chesapeake, Virginia, helping conduct a Praise and Worship Conference for the House of Faith network of churches there.

I had written a grand total of two songs.  But at the end of the final evening's worship service, a prophet approached me and began to prophesy over me.

She said that the Lord had placed a healing anointing upon the music He was birthing through me.  (In the back of my mind, I thought, "Both songs ?!")  And she said that it would be played in hospitals and nursing homes and that the infirmed would get up out of their sickbeds, completely healed.

Yeah . . . okay.  (Sometimes, the word of the Lord is just too big.  Too big for MY measely faith, anyway.)

Ever the one to say, "Maybe somebody else, but not me", I abruptly forgot the prophecy.

Then . . . as the songs continued to come, it became apparent that maybe we should record them.  So we planned to do a praise and worship service, and record what happened.  There was nearly 120 talented and gifted musicians and singers in the Praise and Worship ministry of New Life at that time, so I prayed for the Lord to show me the ones He wanted to contribute.

So with 7 musicians and 8 singers we started rehearsing the songs at the beginning of June, and then recorded them on two consecutive evenings at the beginning of October.

(Just as a reminder to you of my incredibly UNDERwhelming faith, the "healing anointing" prophecy had been long forgotten by then.)

Then, wouldn't you know, after the CD started getting around, I started to receive testimony after testimony of miraculous healings occuring as people would praise and worship the Lord along with the CD.  People were being healed of all manner of infirmities - from emotional to physical to spiritual.

And every bit of the praise and the glory belongs to the Lord, becuase of His faithfulness to His own word.  (It obvioulsy had nothing to do with MY level of faith !)
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